Fifth generation Northern Californian... I love life, learning...and going deeper.  I see blessings all around me and count them constantly.  I am happiest when worshipping God with abandon, loving on my sweet Frida girl, spending time with my children and grandchildren and traveling with my dear husband.  I love nature, photography and all kinds of art.  I am blessed to have traveled widely and built lifelong relationships around the planet.  I AM RETIRED!  I am passionate about the work of Christ's Hope International as they serve those infected with and affected by HIV/AIDs.  I am blessed to have served alongside their teams over the last 8 years. I love journaling and treasure reflective time to write and create.  But I haven't always been this way.  

I am gratefully redeemed... 

In 2018 and beyond I see myself unveiling more and more of my passion - at an easy pace.  I am done running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  I am done trying to please others at my expense.  I am embracing the ease of letting God take the reins of my life.

I anticipate more speaking engagements and hope to find a radio audience.  I will be blogging regularly, entering some art shows, creating an online store and making sure to carefully balance all of that with rest, renewal, writing and art making.

Please come back often.